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Manoliu, Iacint Print

Institution Technical University of Civil Engineering [TUCEB], Bucharest
Position Professor of Geotechnical Engineering, President of the Romanian Geotechnical Society
Country Romania

Iacint Manoliu is Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the Technical University of Civil Engineering [TUCEB] in Bucharest. He served as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Civil, Industrial & Agricultural Buildings between 1972 and 1976 and as Dean of the same Faculty between 1976 and 1984. Between 1990 and 2000 he was TUCEB’s Vice-Rector for Academic and International Affairs. He was Secretary General of the Steering Committee of the Thematic Network Project EUCEET I and Chairman of the Management Committee for the EUCEET II and EUCEET III projects. At the first General Assembly of the EUCEET Association (Warsaw, 24 October 2008), he was designated its General Secretary. Professor Manoliu is President of the Romanian Geotechnical Society, Vice-President of the Union of Associations of Civil Engineers of Romania, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Education & Training of ECCE (European Council of Civil Engineers) and the representative of ARACIS in ENAEE.

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