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Spiridonidis, Constantin Print

Position Architect (Univ. of Thessaloniki) and Urban Planner (Univ. Paris VIII)
Country Greece

As. Prof. Constantin Spiridonidis is an Architect (Univ. of Thessaloniki) Urban Planner (Univ. Paris VIII), and hols a Doctorate in Architecture and Urban Design (Univ. of Thessaloniki). He teaches Urban and Architectural Design Theories and Design at the School of Architecture of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. His research interests are in design theory, architecture and urbanism, architectural education and design pedagogy. He is involved in many academic initiatives in European at Intercontinental level, as well as European Union projects and committees related to architectural education. He has contributed as author or as editor to a large number of publications related to architectural education and the teaching of architectural and urban design.

Handbook articles by Constantin Spiridonidis et al.:

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