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Crosier, David Print

Member European University Association (EUA)
Position Programme Manager at the EUA, Belgium
Country Belgium

David Crosier joined the European University Association in 2001, where he has been responsible for a variety of projects, most notably those focusing on implementation of the Bologna process. He was responsible for managing EUA’s Joint Masters project and subsequent follow-up work on quality enhancement in joint programmes through the European Masters New Evaluation Methodology (EMNEM) project. Before moving to EUA, David spent six years working at the education department of the Council of Europe where he was responsible for education programmes in postconflict Yugoslav countries. Following a degree in English literature, he worked as an English language teacher in Greece and Italy before continuing his studies at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. He then worked as an education researcher at the University of North London (now London Metropolitan University), where he helped to develop the European Access Network.

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