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Spoun, Sascha Print

Title Prof Dr
Institution Leuphana University
Position President of Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany
Country Germany

Sascha Spoun is President of Leuphana University Lüneburg Germany and visiting professor for higher education management at the University St. Gallen, Switzerland. He studied business administration and political science at Ann Arbor (University of Michigan Business School), Munich, Paris (Sciences Po, HEC) and St. Gallen, where for two years he was also student president. After his PhD he became a senior lecturer and was in charge of curriculum reform for the Rector during 6 years at the University of St. Gallen. Since 2004 he has also taught at the economics faculty of the University of Zurich. His research and publications are in the field of public management, as well as the development of higher education.

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