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C 3.8-3 Development of Career Management Competence and the Contribution of Student Services
Name C 3.8-3 Development of Career Management Competence and the Contribution of Student Services
Description Author: Gerhard Rott

This article will examine the development of student career management competence in Higher Education, focusing on the role played by student guidance and counselling services in its enhancement. It will introduce some essential topics, methods and tools to facilitate Career Management Competence and will link their evolution within career services to more comprehensive concepts such as Personal Development Planning [PDP] in the UK or the Portefeuille d’Expérience et de Competence [PEC] in France, as well as to more general changes in the relationship between education and work. Finally, a policy development perspective will be outlined, emphasising the need for collaborative approaches and networking in this field and connecting it with efforts to develop individual university profiles.

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Created On: 03/15/2010 20:39
Viewers Supplement No. 15

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