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B 4.1-2 "Quality" in higher education
Name B 4.1-2 "Quality" in higher education
Description Author: Jürgen Kohler

The article analyses the concept of “quality” in higher education with regard to various contexts and aspects: as a positive and negative buzz word; as a vehicle to transport specific political objectives; as a matter of choice between a number of concepts. The article also undertakes to describe the development of aims, tools, and effects of both internal and external quality assurance criteria and processes in the European Higher Education Area. It eventually broadens the view on “quality” to institution-based concepts and prerequisites of quality and quality assurance by focussing on links to quality culture and good governance, and tries to sketch probable further developments in terms of opportunities and challenges.

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Created On: 08/25/2009 15:46
Viewers Supplement No. 13

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