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Bucher, Urs Print

Title Professor
Institution Lucerne University, Switzerland
Position Professor at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland

Urs Bucher is Professor at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and Director of
Business Excellence. He is responsible for developing a culture of excellence in the Schools of
Technology & Architecture, Social Work, Arts, Music and Business and for coordinating quality
management across all of them. As the first university in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, they
have reached the second level of EFQM’s recognition program, “Recognised for Excellence”, in May
2010. In addition, he lectures at the Business School and is engaged in consulting and research
activities. He acts as a nationally licensed Business Excellence Assessor Trainer, as an EFQM
Validator and is part of the assessment team for the Swiss National Quality Award ESPRIX. He was
recently elected “EFQM Valued Professional” by EFQM headquarters in Brussels.

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