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Teichler, Ulrich Print

Title Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.
Institution University of Kassel
Position Former director of the International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER), Germany
Mönchebergstr. 17
D-34109 Kassel
Country Germany
Tel +49 (0) 561 - 804-2415
Fax +49 (0) 561 - 804-7415

Key research areas: higher education and the world of work, international comparison of higher education systems, and international cooperation and mobility in higher education.

Ulrich Teichler is professor and former director of the International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER), at the University of Kassel, Germany. He has undertaken research on higher education systems (e.g. institutional patterns, diversification, the Bologna process), higher education and the world of work (e.g. the impact of study programmes on graduate employment and work), and international cooperation and mobility in higher education, including major studies on student mobility and evaluation studies on the ERASMUS programme.

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